What to expect from Lifestyle Coaching with me

I am involved, empathetic, intuitive, and open. In our conversations, I create an environment where you can be yourself and feel free to talk about your life and your experiences. Together, we look at your eating and movement patterns, as well as sleep, stress, relaxation, and meaning. I listen attentively and ask relevant and deepening questions so that your lifestyle goals and challenges become clear. I have affinity with high sensitivity, and with improving your relationship with food.
My approach to lifestyle coaching is weight-neutral. I do not take your weight as the starting point for your health. Weight is not a good predictor of health. With any weight, you can take steps to get healthier during lifestyle coaching. Weight reduction does not have to be a part of it.
Furthermore, I would like to emphasize that you are at the helm of you lifestyle journey, I do not tell you what you should do. Together, we explore how you want to make changes in your lifestyle. We can asses if we “click” during a free consultation. In this conversation, I’d like to hear from you what I can assist you with.
I experienced Linda as a true coach! She asks the right questions and patiently guided me in finding my own answers. I found her calm presence and attention very comforting. I had no high expectations for three sessions. Nevertheless, a change in mindset took place for me. I am far from done, but Linda planted a seed for a new path.
Coaching sessions during walks
I prefer to conduct my lifestyle coaching sessions in a natural environment. Wageningen has beautiful places to do so. By literally moving, it is easier to move mentally as well. Additionally, a natural environment tends to be more relaxing, especially in combination with gentle movement. While walking in the green, it’s easier to gain insights, allowing us to delve deeper more quickly.
If (longer) walks are not possible or not desired, we can still benefit from a natural environment by using privately situated benches in e.g. Belmonte Arboretum.
Additionally, it’s possible to have coaching sessions at your or my home.
If my approach resonates with you and you are ready to take a step towards change in your life, I invite you to request a free consultation via the link below.
Want to know more about me? Click here.
Linda Kovacevic

Member of professional association
I am accredited as a lifestyle coach by BLCN, which is the professional association for lifestyle coaches in the Netherlands. As a member, I hold a Bachelor’s degree and a lifestyle coaching diploma from a training program accredited by BLCN. Each member is also registered with KABIZ (Quality Registration and Accreditation of Healthcare Professionals). KABIZ is an independent organization that handles the registration and re-registration of healthcare professionals. Additionally, in relation to registration, it conducts accreditation of professional development activities for the registered professional bodies.
The goal of KABIZ is to make the quality of healthcare professionals visible to patients/clients, colleagues, employers, and health insurers. They can consult the Register to verify whether the professional has a quality registration and thereby meets the quality requirements set by the professional body. My KABIZ registration number is: 18107775484